Ryan Long

Ryan Long
Ryan Long

WCI, PO Box 351, Waupun, WI 53963

BD 2000 (19 yo) out date 4 20 21

August 13,2019

My name is Ryan Long. I am 19 years old. My Doc number is 659120.I am at WCI in Waupun, The reason I am writing you is because several people have referred me to you, because you have an understanding of what goes on in the DOC institutions. I don’t understand why the doc doesn’t have policies sending MH2B ( mental health code) inmates like myself and many others who have disabilities and mental issues to adult institutions where staff shut my water off for 19 hours and the harassment and threats form staff are an everyday thing. I was at RYOCF in Racine, they sent me to WCI because of some not true words put into conduct reports ( tickets). I have wide support form PSU and most staff. However there were staff who saw other staff being kind to me and wrote false tickets . Mrs Swan , I ‘m scared , I’m hurt and I’m very very tired of how they treat me. I’m so depressed and alone. I’m considering putting an end to myself. I miss RYOCF so much. I have a best friend, my only friend who I may never get to see ever again. I’m sorry for writing all this and I know this probably won’t go out because staff tamper with my mail because I told them I will file a lawsuit. Even if you get this you won’t want t o write back. I understand, no one does. All I’m asking if you would be willing to , could you contact federal alw enforcement and let them know there are many abuses going on in RHU at WCI and have them come talk to me. The officers have threatened lives and safety, shut off water for long periods of time, call us names, stolen property, tampered with mail. They won’t even let me call my dying mother who had a liver transport and is not recovering well. Please don’t do it for me, do it for helping inmates who staff make suffer emotionally and physically. Can you please also send reform newsletters and copy of the jailhouse lawyers handbook. I appreciate it. Please I am asking with all my heart.  I may not last long.

August 29, 2019

Thankyou for writing back and caring about me. I appreciate it a lot .I got your letter this evening. It meant a lot to me. To answer the youth prison questions- the age limit is 17-24.The PRC can send whoever they want to an adult prison any time they want. The only issue is that they have a “youthful” facility for a reason and I don’t understand why the DOC is allowed to send “youthful” inmates from a ”youthful” facility to a maximum adult facility. PRC determines where inmates are placed. The PRC at RYOCF picks favorites- because I was seeking legal assistance and they didn’t like that and staff knew I was and wrote false and fabricated CR’s to make me look bad. They placed me being only 19 and an MH-2B( a mentally ill inmate)into a sea full of sharks-a max prison. The staff are just plain cruel and I just don’t understand why. At RYOCF believe it or not there actually is quite a few decent staff who don’t just come to work to get paid but to help us. But that’s only when the higher ups are gone. The higher-ups like the security director, deputy warden and the warden don’t like being nice and respectful. They only see their false view is ”what is right” but they twist that around and around. I’m a target here at WCI because I’m really short and skinny. I am taken advantage of a lot .I don’t think that is justice- sending me or anyone from a ‘Youthful” facility to an adult max prison.

     I was charged as an adult at 17 years old for a petty burglary charge. I don’t understand how and why they can charge a minor at 17 as an adult that makes zero sense. In the laws eyes aren’t we considered “underage”until age 21. We can’t drink alcohol or go into Clubs or bars until that age. This state goes above and beyond to convict anyone of anything not caring what we were going through or if it’s true or not. It’s all a money making scheme. They get Federal and State tax dollars for every inmate they throw in prison each year! They value paper over human liver! (paper meaning money).If the government had it their way they’d lock everyone up just ot keep the cash flowing. It looks like they’re doing just that. They falsely call this the “lad of the free.” when the USA has the world’s highest prison lickup rate. They say at the end of the pledge at allegiance”with liberty and justice for all” Ha! yeah ok. They don’t require children in public schools to say the pledge no more. I can prove that cause I graduated in 2018. Some justice this is.

    Anyway, when they threw me in this WCI hellhole nightmare I tried to appeal with no luck. I have a form for sending to the state legislators that I can hopefully get back to RYOCF and reverse the PRC’s decision. Its the senate on judiciary and public safety in the state capital. Is there any possible way for you to help me get in contact with them and talk to them about reversing  PRC’s decision. I don’t feel safe here. I have a very good friend t RYOCF who supports me and cares about who I can’t live without. He was falsely convicted without proper evidence and I feel sorry for him. His name is Fredrick Pickett DOC 620614 and he is as close as family gets. I need to get back to him though really had and rough times and now because the DOC lied and moved me, I don’t have anyone. Please peggy! Through my broken heart I’m asking you. Please help me get back to RYOCF. I’m asking you, please help me get back to RYPCF. I’m struggling and lost. This has cut me very deep and the amount of stress is so plentiful I now stress related health and heart issues. The move has severely impacted my life. Even some RYOCF staff tried to prevent the transfer because they now the CRs and what PRC bases stuff off is false. Captain Thurman at RYOCF has seriously tried in all his capacity and even used his time spent working in the DOC to try preventing the transfer. I saw him do it. But in a corrupt DOC staff’s opinions don’t matter. Even though there’s camera evidence to prove the CRs to be false they could care less about presenting the evidence to prove innocence. Staff send inmates to seg for stupid stuff like disrespect and give them 90 fricken days! That’s another example of mass incarceration. The seriously has become a throw-away society. In this case though they would rather throw an inmate or citizen away rather that fixing the issue and making it better.  Instead they make it worse. It’s similar to a person on the outs-for example If a tv breaks and is fixable the person would rather throw it out that taking the time to fix it. The person then gets a new one. Like the state-they lookup and inmate for something petty, They would rather throw him away and keep the inmate form society, harass and punish him/her for even more petty stuff then lock the inmate up again in seg. The cycle repeats continuously. I was going to ask what is a blogpost?I like the idea of turning destructive thoughts into positive change. How can I get a blog post? Thank you for sending the envelopes , guidebooks and newsletter. I have yet to receive them but it shouldn’t be too long. If you could. Could you get in contact with that inmate I told you about hoe I care about alots? He’s going through very difficult times as well. If you will just tell him I miss him tons. He doesn’t have any money so would you be willing to send him some envelopes so I can talk to him. (thanks, me Psychic hug)
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