Jason Graham |
BD 1980, out date 2 20 24
I am writing you about the Waupun Correctional Institution! I am requesting your help to have Gov. Tony Ev[-] make A unannounced walk through and talk through W.C.I. where staff h[-] no time to hurry up and clean up or hush inmates! There is A lists of violations against staff concerning work Rules and Relations and over all employee conduct! The Department of Corrections has established work rules that regulate the conduct of employees in order that the Department can achieve its objective in A orderly and efficient manner! The staff at W.C.I. seem to think that they are above these Executive Directive work rules imposed by Gov. Tony Evers! Waupun Correctional Institution is out of control! Star[-] with the problem of being short staffed and over worked which brings on stress to the employees which leads to A very hostile work environment! Most of the staff here are corrupt and very unprofessional and fail to report Crimes or misconduct against fellow employees! And will tell you in a minute in A laughing matter “Go head and file A complaint” like the Complaint system is A joke due to the immoral corruption within there code of silence! They identify there self more like Gang members with there profane and abusive language towards each other and towards inmates which sets work standards and Respect at A ultimate low, and because of that there was A Riot 12-29-18! It will only get worst before it gets any better! The Solitary Confinement is torture inside o[-] cells there is filthy walls, sinks, and mattresses that smell very bad! The showers have mold and thick grime on the wall and in almost every cell you could find blood on the walls! They wear body cams that they have pointed towards the walls on their left sides of there belts instead of towards the cell doors and] keep them off most of the time unless there is a situation about to happen so there all day conduct is concealed!